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  • SB 1397 (Eggman): Behavioral Health Services Coverage MHAC Position: Support

    MHAC Position: Support

    Author: Eggman

    Date: 04/26/2024

    This bill would authorize a county to report to the Department of Managed Health Care or the Department of Insurance a complaint about a health care service plan’s or a health insurer’s failure to make a good faith effort to contract or enter into an agreement with the county to obtain reimbursement for behavioral health crisis services, or to timely reimburse the county for services the plan or insurer is required to cover by state or federal law, and would require the respective department to timely investigate the complaint.

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  • ACR 0146 (Pellerin): Peer Appreciation Week MHAC Position: Support, MHAC Sponsored

    MHAC Position: Support, MHAC Sponsored

    Author: Pellerin

    Date: 04/18/2024

    This bill would recognize the 3rd week of May 2024 as Peer Appreciation Week in California.

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