AB 1084 (ZBUR) Change of Name, Gender, and Sex Identifier – Support

March 14th, 2025

The Honorable Mia Bonta
Chair, Assembly Health Committee
1020 N Street, Room 390
Sacramento, CA 95814

Re: Support for Assembly Bill 1084 (Zbur)

Dear Chair,

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, Visibility, and Empowerment (LIVE) strongly supports Assembly Bill 1084 (Zbur), legislation that would streamline court proceedings so that individuals can petition for name change and gender markers to align with their gender identity.

LIVE is a program of changemakers, that celebrates LGBTQ+ diversity and creates a more inclusive world where LGBTQ+ community members can live authentically. LIVE creates positive change by uplifting and empowering individuals to bolster their voices in policy, stigma reduction and unifying community. The transgender community has a right to exist as they are, yet legal documents using their deadname and non-affirming gender markers, exposes them to potential discrimination.

Transgender individuals often face significant barriers when applying for essential services due to discrepancies between their gender identity and the name and gender marker on their identification documents.[1] Without proper documentation, they may experience discrimination, stigma, and harassment when seeking housing, employment, or education, as well as inadequate access to healthcare. The ability to present identification with a name and gender marker that align with one’s gender identity reduces the risk of discrimination and harassment while also allowing individuals to fully live as their authentic selves.

This bill establishes a streamlined process for updating name and gender markers on identification documents, making it more efficient for transgender individuals to obtain necessary documentation and access essential services and resources more quickly. It is for these reasons that LIVE supports Assembly Bill 1084 (Zbur) and asks for your “Aye” vote. If you have any questions, or if LIVE can provide assistance on this bill or any other LGBTQ+ legislation, please do not hesitate to contact me at agaribaymena@mhac.org.

In Community,

Anthony Garibay-Mena
LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, Visibility, and Empowerment
Program Manager

[1] Understanding the transgender community. Human Rights Campaign. (n.d.)