AB 0908 (SOLACHE) LGBT+ Inclusion in LCAP – Oppose

March 14, 2025

The Honorable Al Muratsuchi
Chair, Assembly Education Committee
California State Assembly
1020 N Street, Room 159
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: Opposition to Assembly Bill 908 (Solache)

Dear Chair,

LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, Visibility, and Empowerment (LIVE) is pleased to support Assembly Bill 908 (Solache), a bill that would ensure school districts prioritize the education and well-being of LGBTQ+ pupils by requiring a state priority in their local control and accountability plans (LCAP) that describes the school district’s implementation of supportive policies and initiatives for LGBTQ+ pupils.

LIVE is a program of changemakers, that celebrates LGBTQ+ diversity and creates a more inclusive world where LGBTQ+ community members can live authentically. LIVE creates positive change by uplifting and empowering individuals to bolster their voices in policy, stigma reduction and unifying community.  

Schools are essential public institutions that support youth in their social and emotional learning. However, disparities in school connectedness pose a significant risk factor for developing mental health and substance use challenges. [1] A recent study by UCLA’s Williams Institiute also found that hat 10% of public middle and high school students identify as LGBTQ+ in California. These students reported lower levels of school connectedness compared to their non-LGBTQ+ peers.[2]  This bill provides a path forward to ensure school are held accountable in addressing the educational and health needs of LGBTQ youth.

It is for those reasons that LIVE supports AB 908 (Solache). If you have any questions, or if LIVE can provide assistance on this bill or any other legislation, please do not hesitate to contact me at agaribaymena@mhac.org or our Public Policy Coordinator, Danny Thirakul, at dthirakul@mhac.org.

In Community,

Anthony Garibay-Mena
LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, Visibility, and Empowerment
Program Manager

[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024). Substance use among youth. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[2] Choi, S.K. Baams, L., & Wilson, B.D.M.  (2017). LGBTQ Youth in California’s Public Schools: Differences across the State. Los Angeles: The Williams Institute