March 14, 2025
The Honorable Mia Bonta
Chair, Assembly Health Committee
1020 N Street, Room 390
Sacramento, CA 95814
Re: MHAC Support for Assembly Bill 843 (Garcia)
Dear Chair,
Mental Health America of California (MHAC) is writing in support of Assembly Bill 843 (Garcia), legislation aimed at reducing barriers to healthcare access for individuals with limited English proficiency. The bill would require health plans and insurers to provide language-accessible documents and translation services, ensuring that all individuals can effectively navigate the healthcare systems and receive the services they need.
MHAC is a peer-run organization leading the state in behavioral health public policy and advocacy since 1957. The mission of MHAC is to assist and encourage communities, families and individuals to experience hope, wellness and recovery from mental health and substance use disorder issues through voluntary services that are delivered in their local community with compassion and respect for everyone’s dignity and autonomy. Due to language barriers, English language learners have significant barriers accessing voluntary community-based services.
Limited English proficiency contributes to the growing mental health disparities among Asian and Latino populations.[1] The inability to communicate effectively prohibits understanding of cultural behaviors and values, leading to unmet needs and discourages them from seeking help. Without proper accommodations to address language barriers, these disparities will continue to widen, preventing underserved populations from accessing voluntary mental health and substance use services.
This bill directly addresses the language barrier by requiring health plans and insurers to take responsibility for properly informing their enrollees. They must provide translation services and translated documents to ensure that language is not an obstacle to receiving care. For these reason MHAC supports Assembly Bill 843 (Garcia) and asks for your “Aye” vote. If you have any questions, or if MHAC can provide any assistance on this bill or any behavioral health legislation, please do not hesitate to contact me or our Director of Public Policy, Karen Vicari, at
In Community,
Heidi L. Strunk
President & CEO
[1] Sentell, T., Shumway, M., & Snowden, L. (2007). Access to mental health treatment by English language proficiency and race/ethnicity. Journal of general internal medicine, 22 Suppl 2(Suppl 2), 289–293.